Privacy Policy
We protect the confidentiality of our clients’ personal financial and health information as required by law. Our own internal policies and practices ensure all clients’ records are confidential in nature, and no data will be shared with any outside party without the prior written consent of the client.
In connection with your request to obtain insurance or benefit information/pricing, we may have to collect and use several types of personal and financial information. We consider such confidential information to include all information and documents provided by you to us on applications or other such forms (census), such as your name, address, occupation, salary, age and information about dependents.
We use physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect your confidential information. We make it available only to our employees or others who need it to service or maintain your policy, to conduct insurance transactions and functions or for other legally permitted or required purposes.
Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our office.