Benefits forAlamance Community College
Congratulations on your new employment!
Your employment means more than just a paycheck. Your employer also provides eligible employees with a valuable benefits package. Below you will find information about how to enroll in these benefits as a new employee.
Please call PGB's Employee Services within 30 days of your date of hire. The Employee Services number is located at the bottom of this microsite.
Be sure to also review your group’s custom benefits microsite, that allows for easy, year-round access to benefit information, live chat support, benefit explainer videos, plan certificates and documents, and carrier contacts and forms.
Important Information About Your Enrollment
During your open enrollment period, a PGB Benefits Representative will be available by virtual appointment to meet with you one-on-one to help you evaluate your benefits based on your individual and family needs, answer any questions you may have, and assist you in the enrollment process. If you prefer, you may also self-enroll online following the instructions on the Enrollment Instructions page of this site.
OPEN ENROLLMENT PERIOD: September 30, 2024 – October 11, 2024
– Enroll/Re-Enroll in Flexible Spending Accounts.+
– Enroll in, change, or cancel Dental Insurance.
– Enroll in, change, or cancel Vision Insurance.
– Enroll in, change, or cancel Group Term Life Insurance.
– Enroll in, change, or cancel Long-Term Care Benefits.
– Enroll in, change, or cancel Telemedicine coverage (DIRECT BILLING ONLY*).**
– Enroll in, change, or cancel Colonial coverage.
+You will need to re-enroll in the Flexible Spending Accounts if you want them to continue each year.
**Please see the coordinating pages of your Benefits Guide for enrollment instructions for the Telemedicine plan.
*The Telemedicine plan is available by Direct Billing only. No deductions will be taken via payroll deduction.
This is neither an insurance contract nor a Summary Plan Description and only the actual policy provisions will prevail. All information in this booklet including premiums quoted is subject to change. All policy descriptions are for information purposes only. Your actual policies may be different than those in this booklet.