Benefits forCity of Colonial Heights (VA)

Benefits Plan Overview

Pre-Tax Benefits

Health Savings Accounts: Flex Facts
– Employee Maximum $3,850/year
– Family Maximum $7,750/year
HSA plans can only be established in conjunction with a qualified High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)

Flexible Spending Accounts: Flex Facts
– Medical Reimbursement Maximum: $3,050/year
– Dependent Care Reimbursement Maximum: $5,000/year
You will need to re-enroll in the Flexible Spending Accounts if you want them to continue next year.

Cancer Benefits: Colonial Life

Accident BenefitsColonial Life

Medical Bridge BenefitsColonial Life


Post-Tax Benefits

Disability BenefitsColonial Life

Critical Illness BenefitsColonial Life

Life InsuranceColonial Life
– Term Life Insurance
– Whole Life Insurance


Additional Benefits

Student Loan Assistance Program: GradFin


Please note your insurance products will remain in effect unless you speak with a representative to change them.


Enrollment Period: MAY 2, 2023 – MAY 12, 2023

Effective Dates: JULY 1, 2023 – JUNE 30, 2024



– Employees must work a minimum of 35 hours per week to be eligible for benefits.


– The plan year for Health Savings Accounts, Spending Accounts and Colonial Insurance products lasts from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024.

– Deductions for Health Savings Accounts and Spending Accounts will begin July 2023. Deductions for Colonial Insurance products will begin June 2023.

– Health FSA Rollover Provision: Your employer provides the rollover option for your FSA plan. Please see the Flexible Spending Account section of your benefit booklet for more information on this provision. Participants must re-elect coverage for any of the rollover funds (up to $610) to be rolled over into the new plan year. Failure to elect an FSA account will result in a “Use It or Lose It” scenario.

– If signing up for any coverage on your spouse and/or children, please have their dates of birth and social security numbers available when speaking with the Benefits Representative.

– If you will be receiving a new debit card, whether you are a new participant or to replace your expired card, please be aware that it may take up to 30 days following your plan effective date for your card to arrive. Your card will be delivered by mail in a plain white envelope. During this time you may use manual claim forms for eligible expenses. Please note that your debit card is good through the expiration date printed on the card.

– Elections made during this enrollment period CANNOT BE CHANGED AFTER THE ENROLLMENT PERIOD unless there is a family status change as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. Examples of a family status change are: marriage, divorce, death of a spouse or child, birth or adoption of a child, termination or commencement of a spouse’s employment, or the transition of spouse’s employment from full-time to part-time, or vice-versa. Once a family status change has occurred, an employee has 30 days to notify the Pierce Group Benefits Service Center at 1-800-387-5955 to request a change in elections.

– Flexible Spending Account expenses must be incurred during the Plan Year in order to be eligible for reimbursement.

– An employee has 90 days after the plan year ends to submit claims for spending account expenses that were incurred during the plan year. Please note that if employment terminates during the plan year, that employee’s plan year ends the day employment ends. The employee has 90 days after the termination date to submit claims.

– With Dependent Care Flexible Spending Accounts, the maximum reimbursement you can request is equal to the current account balance in your Dependent Care account. You cannot be reimbursed more than has actually been deducted from your pay.

– As a married couple, one spouse cannot be enrolled in a Medical Reimbursement FSA at the same time the other opens or contributes to an HSA.

– The Health Screening Rider on the Colonial Medical Bridge plan has a 30-day waiting period for new enrollees. Coverage, therefore, will not begin until July 31, 2023.

Additionally, some policies may include a pre-existing condition clause. Please read your policy carefully for full details.

– Please be aware there are certain coverages that may be subject to federal and state tax when premium is paid by pretax deduction or employee contribution.

– An employee taking a leave of absence, other than under the Family & Medical Leave Act, may not be eligible to re-enter the Flexible Benefits Program until the next plan year. Please contact your Benefit Administrator for more information.