Benefits forPierce Group Benefits
Your job means more than just a paycheck. ABC Demo Schools offers eligible employees a comprehensive and valuable benefits plan arranged by Pierce Group Benefits.
What To Know
You have 30 days from your date of hire to enroll in benefits. Please note that you must call and complete your enrollment with a PGB Benefits Representative, or self-enroll online, within your eligibility period.
Remember, this is your only opportunity to enroll in benefits unless you experience a qualifying life event outside of the eligibility period; otherwise, you'll have to wait until the next annual Open Enrollment period to enroll in benefits.
If you are transferring from one PGB client to another, some voluntary benefits may be eligible for transfer. Please call the PGB Service Center to complete your enrollment with a Benefits Representative so that eligible existing policies are transferred to your new employer.
Employees must work 30 hours or more per week to be eligible to enroll in benefits.
Before You Enroll
Review your Benefits Guide for an in-depth overview of the benefits available to you:
How To Enroll
Please call the PGB Service Center within 30 days of your date of hire to complete your enrollment with a Benefits Representative, available Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM EST by calling: 1-888-662-7500
To avoid delays, we ask that you please allow our Benefits Representatives ample time to assist you and encourage you to reach out no later than 3 business days prior to your eligibility period ending.
You also have the option to self-enroll within 30 days of your date of hire. Please review the self-enrollment instructions below and have the following information available before you begin:
- Username, pin, and enrollment website URL from this page
- Social security numbers of the spouse or any dependents you wish to enroll
- Dates of birth for the spouse and any dependents you wish to enroll
- Beneficiary names and social security numbers
Logging In
Enter your User Name: Social Security Number with or without dashes (ex. 123-45-6789 or 123456789)
Enter your Pin: Last 4 numbers of your Social Security Number followed by last 2 numbers of your Date of Birth year (ex. 678970)To login, visit: harmony.benselect.com/caswell
New Pin
The screen prompts you to create a NEW PIN.
Security Questions
Choose a security question and enter answer.
Confirm (or enter) an email address.
- Save New Pin
Click on ‘Save New PIN’ to continue to the enrollment welcome screen.
- Click Next
From the welcome screen click “Next”.
- Personal Information
The screen shows ‘Personal Information’. Verify that the information is correct and enter the additional required information (marital status, work phone, e-mail address). Click ‘Next’.
- Adding Family Member(s)
The screen allows you to add family members. It is only necessary to enter family member information if adding or including family members in your coverage. Click ‘Next’.
- Benefit Summary
The screen shows ‘Benefit Summary’. Review your current benefits and make changes, and selections for the upcoming plan year.
- Sign & Submit
Click ‘Sign & Submit’ once you have decided which benefits to enroll in.
- Review
Review your coverage. If any items are ‘Pending’, you will need to decide whether to enroll or decline this benefit.
- Next
Click ‘Next’ to review and electronically sign the authorization for your benefit elections.
- Sign Form
Review the confirmation, then if you are satisfied with your elections, enter your PIN and click ‘Sign Form’.
- Download & Print
Click ‘Download & Print’ to print a copy of your elections, or download and save the document. Please do not forget this important step! Click ‘Log Out’.
Pierce Group Benefits is offering all eligible employees a comprehensive benefits package. The products described on this website are voluntary, employee-paid benefits, unless otherwise specified, and eligible employees have the opportunity to select the programs in which they wish to participate during the open enrollment period. Benefits Representatives will be available to help you enroll in or make changes to your benefits plan during open enrollment; if you need assistance, ask your Benefits Representatives about scheduling a one-on-one review session.
For year-round assistance, please contact our Service Center at 888-662-7500.