Benefits forWhiteville City Schools
Congratulations on your new employment!
Your employment means more than just a paycheck. Your employer also provides eligible employees with a valuable benefits package. Below you will find information about how to enroll in these benefits as a new employee.
Colonial Life Insurance Products & Flexible Spending Accounts - Please call PGB's Employee Services within 30 days of your date of hire and a PGB Benefits Representative will help you enroll in benefits. The Employee Services number is located at the bottom of this site. You also have the option to self-enroll, if you choose, within 30 days of your date of hire. Please see the enrollment instructions on this site.
Dental & Vision - Please call PGB's Employee Services within 30 days of your date of hire and a PGB Benefits Representative will help you enroll in benefits. The Employee Services number is located at the bottom of this site.
Be sure to also review your group’s custom benefits microsite, that allows for easy, year-round access to benefit information, live chat support, benefit explainer videos, plan certificates and documents, and carrier contacts and forms.
Benefits Plan Overview
Pre-Tax Benefits
Flexible Spending Accounts: Ameriflex
– Medical Reimbursement Maximum: $3,050/year
– Dependent Care Reimbursement Maximum: $5,000/year
You will need to re-enroll in the Flexible Spending Accounts if you want them to continue next year.
Dental Insurance: Sun Life
Vision Insurance: Superior
Cancer Benefits: Colonial Life
Accident Benefits: Colonial Life
Medical Bridge Benefits: Colonial Life
Disability Benefits: Colonial Life
Post-Tax Benefits
Critical Illness Benefits: Colonial Life
Life Insurance: Colonial Life
– Term Life Insurance
– Whole Life Insurance
– Group Term Life Insurance (Including EAP + Work/Life Programs)
Please note your insurance products will remain in effect unless you speak with a representative to change them.
Open Enrollment Dates: August 7, 2023 – August 25, 2023
Plan Year & Effective Dates:
September 1, 2023 – August 31, 2024 (FSA, COLONIAL, GTL, VISION)
October 1, 2023 – September 30, 2024 (DENTAL)
– You must be a full time employee (30 hours or more a week) and a contributing member of the North Carolina Retirement System.
– When do my benefits start? The plan year for Spending Accounts, Colonial Insurance products, Colonial Group Term Life, and Superior Vision runs from September 1, 2023 through August 31, 2024. The plan year for Sun Life Dental runs from October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024.
– When do my deductions start? Deductions for Spending Accounts, Colonial Insurance products, Colonial Group Term Life, Superior Vision, and Sun Life Dental start September 2023 for all eligible employees.
– Why have my Cancer, Accident, or Medical Bridge benefits not started yet? The Colonial Cancer plan and the Health Screening Rider on the Colonial Accident and Colonial Medical Bridge plan have a 30-day waiting period for new enrollees. Coverage, therefore, will not begin until October 1, 2023.
– What is an EAP? Your Group Term Life coverage includes Health Advocate Employee Assistance + Work/Life Programs. An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) offers confidential support and resources for personal or work-related challenges and concerns. Please see the Group Term Life pages of this benefit guide for more details and contact information.
– How do Flexible Spending Account (FSA) funds work, and do my FSA funds have to be used by a specific deadline? Flexible Spending Account expenses must be incurred during the Plan Year to be eligible for reimbursement. Failure to use all allotted funds in the FSA account by the deadline will result in a “Use It or Lose It” scenario. After the plan year ends or the employee’s termination date, they have three months to submit claims for incurred spending account expenses. If employment is terminated before the plan year ends, the flexible spending account(s) also ends, and any unused funds are forfeited. Additionally, for a married couple, if one spouse contributes to an HSA, the other cannot enroll in a Medical Reimbursement FSA simultaneously.
– How do DCA funds work? When do my DCA funds have to be used by? Dependent Care Accounts (DCAs) are like FSA accounts and allow you to request reimbursement up to your current balance. However, you cannot receive more reimbursement than what has been deducted from your pay. It’s important to note that any remaining funds in your DCA account must be utilized before the deadline. Failure to do so will result in a “Use It or Lose It” scenario.
– When will I get my card? If you will be receiving a new debit card, whether you are a new participant or to replace your expired card, please be aware that it may take up to 30 days following your plan effective date for your card to arrive. Your card will be delivered by mail in a plain white envelope. During this time you may use manual claim forms for eligible expenses. Please note that your debit card is good through the expiration date printed on the card.
– I want to sign my family up for benefits as well, what information will I need? If signing up for any coverage on your spouse and/or children, please have their dates of birth and social security numbers available when speaking with the Benefits Representative.
– What is the difference between pre and post-tax benefits? Pre-tax benefit contributions are taken from an employee’s paycheck before state and federal taxes are applied. Post-tax benefit contributions are paid after taxes are deducted. It’s important to note that some
coverages may still be subject to taxes even if paid for through pre-tax deduction or employee contribution.
– Can I change my benefit elections outside of the enrollment period? Elections made during this enrollment period CANNOT BE CHANGED AFTER THE ENROLLMENT PERIOD unless there is a family status change, otherwise known as a qualifying life event (QLE), as defined by the Internal Revenue Code. Examples of a QLE can be found in the chart on your benefits guide. Once a QLE has occurred, an employee has 30 days to notify PGB’s Service Center at 1-888-662-7500 to request a change in elections.
– I have a pre-existing condition. Will I still be covered? Some policies may include a pre-existing condition clause. Please read your policy carefully for full details.